

1 John 5:14 ~ This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Each week in our worship service we take the time to share our thanks to God and our burdens.  


Join our prayer team on Thursdays at 6pm in prayer via teleconference.   

Dial in number: 1-425-436-6362  Access Code -  199651#  Host number *1080#


Joni & Ping Digaum with J.D. & J.C.


The following is our ongoing prayer list:    Thanks to all for your prayers!

Remember to also pray for our prayer list in the bulletin:  

Our church family, our school, and our preschool

EACSM: Community Services Ministries

Prison Ministries

July 13

​Christy - My daughter has tested positive for tuberculosis.  Please pray for treatment and healing.

Egina - Glad Paulo is back safe from California

Marhta - Joe, Austin and several others went on a 1000+ motorcycle ride.

They are back safely.

Jodi - Keep Sue in your prayers.  She is very upset right now because one of her horses was shot randomly and killed.  There have been several horses in the area that have been killed and the sheriff has no leads.

July 6

Irma - I'm happy to be here and my cousin from Puerto Rico is here as a traveling nurse for 2 months!  Her name is Gina

Jodi - Please pray for the mega clinic put on by the Liberty Health alliance in Washington DC.  They were supposed to put up tents on Sunday, but there is now question on whether they will allow them to do the clinic. They are supposed to find out on Monday. 

June 29

Sue - a friend that does charity work with me at Kiwanis has been in and out of the hospital with heart issues.  Please pray for Ron

Jodi - Please keep Carlton in your prayers.  He is headed to his new job in California. Pray for safe travels and continue to pray for his voice t be restored. We will miss him.

Judy - The mega clinic in DC starts soon.  Pray for good weather since it will be in tents. Also waiting on some legal issues for doctors and for more volunteers.

Glenn - Please pray for my great-grand daughter, dakota and her family.  She decided to run away several weeks ago.  We don't know where she is. Pray that God will take care of her.

June 22

Gloria - Linda Meisner is in a lot of pain from surgery and cancer.  Please pray for her

Kevin - Had a funeral for an inspector's son.  He jumped off a bridge into the river with friends. They came up and he didn't. Please pray for the family

Dallas - Praise that this last week was our 62nd anniversary! Also, Monday we go to visit my sister in Canada who has dementia.  Prayers for travel safety.

Irma - Thanks to the elders who keep the church going without a pastor.

Martha - Precious texted me that she has a lot of nerve pain in her back and down her leg.  Also her Dad, Emmanuel has had surgery on his other hand and has nerve pain as well.  Prayers.

Pat - Pray for a teacher for Salmon!

Allison - We'll be gone the next two Sabbaths. Prayers for travel and family drama.  Pray for the Holy Spirit's peace.

Letisha - Thanks for the safe travels

Prayers for Brian & Michelle as they get married on Sunday.  

Prayers for children and grandchildren.

Kevin - Invitation for people to step up.  WE need younger people to lead the church.

Paulo - Going to California to visit my sister.