About Us

About Seventh-day Adventists

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream Protestant church with approximately 19 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Seventh-day Adventist Church seeks to enhance quality of life for people everywhere and to let people know that Jesus is coming again soon.

Adventists believe a Trinity of three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—make up one God. They made salvation possible when Jesus, the Son, came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem and lived a sinless life in accordance with the Father's will. When Jesus was crucified for the sins of the people of the world and arose from the dead on the third day, victory was won for everyone.

When He returned to heaven following the resurrection, Jesus left the Holy Spirit to serve as our Comforter and Counselor. He promised to return to earth a second time to complete His plan of salvation and take His people to heaven. Adventists are among the believers who look forward to that day.

Adventists believe that God is concerned with the quality of human life, and that everything—the way we live, eat, speak, think, treat each other, and care for the world around us—is part of His plan. Our families, our children, our jobs, our talents, our money, and our time are all important to Him.

Eagle Seventh-day Adventist Church

(click here for past church bulletins)



In the late 1960’s the then 100 members of the Eagle church began to plan for a new church.  Land was acquired on West State Street (Highway 44) where the church was built and became a blessed reality.  The first meeting was held in December 1972.  Then, within a few years, with the blessing of the Lord, a school was built.  Later, the members saw a need for a gym which was built in a few years.  The school currently houses the gym, a kitchen, library, Pathfinder classroom, Preschool, Kindergarten and Grades 1-8 classrooms.

It has now been over 100 years since the Eagle Church first began and many have gone out from our Eagle church as workers for the Lord.  Some as missionaries to foreign fields, some as medical workers, teachers, etc.  But many more have served as workers in the more common vocations of life in the home fields.  We would like to pay tribute to all who have been, and are, members of the Eagle SDA church.  Do come and visit us at 538 West State Street in Eagle, Idaho!  You are MOST welcome!

Our Church & School Staff:

Principal/Teacher - Debbie Messecar



Debbie Messecar grew up going to this school my first 8 academic years. Later I came back as a teacher’s aide. When I became an “empty nester “ I went to Boise State University to become an Elementary Education/Special Education teacher. My first 3 years of teaching was in Special Education in a small village on the Bering Sea in Alaska (a bucket wish thing). I then moved back to the Boise area, which has always been home to me, and taught Special Education in the Public Schools in West Ada & Nampa School Districts. My original plan for teaching was to come back to EACS to teach and God granted that wish. I am blessed to be working in this school with a wonderful staff & great students & their families. 

​Church Secretary/Preschool Director - Jodi Giem


Jodi is married (Ross) and has three children and four grandchildren.  They all like outdoor activities like hiking and backpacking and rafting.  Jodi also enjoys reading, biking, sewing, and scrapbooking.  She is the part-time church secretary and has also worked at the preschool since 1997. She is the Director of the Child Care Center. She has her B.S. degree in Nursing from Union College and an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education from Boise State University.

​​Teacher, PreK / K - Martha States


Martha is married (Joe) and has two children.  She loves anything to do outdoors and scrapbooking.  She has been with the preschool since 2006.  She has her Associate's Degree in Early Childhood Education. 


Teacher, Preschool - Kallie Thomas



 Kallie started teaching with us in 2024. She has her BA in Psychology.  She has worked in early childhood education for about 9 years and then homeschooled her children.  She enjoys reading, traveling to see family, eating at a good restaurant and when she has time likes to do crafts and scrapbooking.